Thursday, September 07, 2006

DVDs Available

These are the first 3 DVDs of Brazil Jurisdiction Available.
Two have the Superintendent of 5th. District as the speaker. He is Supt. Terence Merritt, from Washington D.C who has been appointed by Bishop Moore as Superintendent for the State of Bahia, Northern Brazil. The other, Superintendent Ivo Mariano of the 3rd District of the Jurisdiction, bring a powerful message entitled "Anointing to Conquer".

You must have these messages in your house!

Please do whatever you can to sow a seed in Brazil. Promote among your COGIC friends what the Lord is doing in the country of Brazil.

In Christ,

Pastor Eneas Francisco
Director of Public Relations

The Church of God in Christ in Brazil

Founded 20 years ago by the late Pastor Rubens dos Santos and his family, the COGIC in Brazil is reaching higher levels every year. Now lead by Bishop Samuel Moore and Mother Lee Van Zandt, the denomination has about 40 churches in the country and is spreading faster.

We already have churches in 4 States plus the Federal District (our Capital, Brasilia).

Southwest Region:
* States of São Paulo (Supt. Aldo Bezerra, Gerson Venancio, Ivo Mariano and Sergio Melo)
* State of Minas Gerais: Supt. Aldo Bezerra
* State of Rio de Janeiro: Supt. Robson L. Paiva (First Administrative Assistant)

North Region:
*State of Bahia: Supt. Terence Merritt (Wahington DC)

Midwest Region:
*Federal District (Brasilia): Pastor Anton A. Wiggins

Last August we celebrated our 10th. Holy Convocation and it has allowed us to see the growth of our Church.. Many pastors have joined our fellowwhip and new churches have been established.

And now, you can see what the Lord is doing here as you purchase one of our DVD from the 10th Convocation, plus what our districts have produced by themselves. We have several DVDs that will be available by next week, so you will be able to invest in the Kingdom of God here in South America.
From wherever you are, you can help us to fulffil the God-given vision of our Bishop and Supervisor.

We are preparing for the new move in the 21st Century.

Be blessed,

Pastor Eneas Francisco
Pastor of Emanuel COGIC &
Director of the Public Relations Dept-Brazil Jurisdiction