Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Supt. Ivo Mariano celebrates the 3rd District Meeting

Under the theme "Embracing the future promises" the 3rd District of Brazil Jurisdiction under the leadership of Supt. Ivo Mariano and District Missionary Fatima Assis, impacted the Eastside of Sao Paulo, the largest city in the country of Brazil.

The messages were life-changing; the music, outstanding and the fellowship amazing.

People were saved, demonic forces rebuked, young people filled with the Holy Ghost and the people was trained on the Doctrine and Histo
ry of the Church of God in Christ by Mother Lee Van Zandt (Jurisdictional Supervisor), Supt. Terence Merritt (5th District's Supt from Washington D.C.) and Supt Carlton Anderson (from Southern California First Jurisdiction).

The speaker on Thursday Night was Pastor Corby Bush from Dallas, TX. He delivered the powerful word of God in such a powerful way that the saints are still impacted by the authority he ministers with.

On Friday night, Mother Lee Van Zandt spoke to Word of God with the boldness which is common to this second-to-none Supervisor.
Saturday morning was the turn of Evangelist Missionary Denise Mariano, the daugther of Supt Mariano who allowed the Spirt of God move throught her powerful voice. Preaching on the theme, Evangelist Denise Mariano reminded the saints that in order to go forward, it is necessary to leave past and advance.
On Saturday night, the Women's Night was blessed by the incomparable message preached by Supt. Terence Merritt. The man really preached! His Scripture was simple and very well knonw. The disciples going throught the storm... and this time Jesus is not on the boat! He challenged the people to "get out of the boat"! He encouraged the saints, "You can walk on the water; don't be focus on the fact that Peter walked on water and failed but because of his boldness to leave the boat, he walked on water not only once, but twice!"
People was delivered, healed and experienced the Spirit of God!

This year was the very first time that this Distric Meeting was
held outiside of Rescue for Life Church where Supt Mariano is the pastor. In the 2 last convocation the place was too small to seat the people during the convocation and it was necessary to take a step of faith this time.
And the experience was so great. The members of the district responded and showed up! And many people from other districts and other denominations came to be blessed by the ministry of the 3rd District in Brazil.

On Saturday night, more the 1,200 attended the service.
Sunday Morning, was the time to Supt Carlton Anderson ,
from Banning CA minister the word. And the man preached "Check yourself before you crash"... and reinforced to the saints that Jesus is coming back soon.. the main promise believers should wait for.

Our request is that you keep the 3rd District, Supt Mariano and our District Missionary Fatima Assis in your prayers, so God may take us to the level he wants us to be, to the glory of God and expansion of the Church of God in Christ.
The 3rd District has now 10 churches in 5 differente cities and in three States... our goal is to support the vision of our Bishop Samuel Moore to reach 1 million souls!
Pastor Eneas Francisco


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